MAPS tool user guide

The Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) tool


MAPS team


July 3, 2024

1 About this guide

This guide is intended to provide additional information on the data and visualisations in the Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) tool. This guide can be read in sequence, or users can use the navigation panels to directly select the section and functionality they are interested in.

This guide release precedes the completion of tool functionality, as part of our iterative release practice, and is being updated as features are released. Where text is yet to be released, or sections relate to features still under development, this is indicated by the following symbol: work-in-progress.

Complementary guides are provided for educational users and web developers

Further information on the project and project team which created the MAPS tool can be found at the project website A summary of our co-design process, implemented to design and test the MAPS tool, can be found at work-in-progress.