4 QuickMAPS i: Getting started
4.1 Accessing QuickMAPS
QuickMAPS can be accessed directly through https://maps.micronutrient.support/maps-tool or the alias https://www.maps.africa/. No log in is required.
4.3 Country and micronutrient selection
The country of interest can be selected from the drop-down menu, or the interactive map (areas A on the index map below).
The micronutrient of interest can be selected from the drop-down menu (area B on the index map below).
Once the country and micronutrient are selected, the user can choose to select food system or biomarker data (Area C on the index map). These options are only available where data is loaded for the selected country and micronutrient combination.
The MAPS tool will then automatically select the most spatially disaggregated data available and most recent data available (area D on the index map above). Thus, if subnational data are available, via a household consumption and expenditure survey, the tool will default to displaying these data. If this is not available, the most recent food balance sheet data will be selected, and provide a national overview.
Where biomarkers are available, this option will be enabled and can be chosen by the user. This functionality will only be ‘live’ where the biomarker data is loaded for the combination of the country and the micronutrient. See the biomarker section for more information.
On selection of the data the user wishes to view, the system will then model the data and present these in a dashboard view as described below.
The selection side bar will automatically close to the left of the screen to maximise the screen area for viewing the results. The selection side bar can be restored at any time by clicking on this icon , found on the top left of the screen area.
4.4 Changing the initial selection of country and / or micronutrient
The side bar can be re–opened using the icon and the steps shown above used to view any different permutation of the countries and nutrients for which data is loaded.